
The 'About' Page, or better, What is This?

If I were to ask you, "What is Toronto?", what would your answer be? How do you describe a city in a series of photos? How would you show the rest of the world what Toronto means to you?

Toronto is a wonderful vibrant city with a wide variety of places to walk and explore. There are interesting neighbourhoods such as Chinatown and Kensington. Toronto is not an old city but there are still a range of architectural styles to be found, from modern glass skyscrapers to the more historical buildings from the 1800's and many in between. It's proximity to Lake Ontario provides opportunities to walk beaches or to explore waterfront parks and activities. More and more, Toronto is making use of its public spaces for art, festivals and community events. There is always something happening.

The list of things worth exploring in this city is long and extensive. I am sure that I have not 'found' everything yet, but I love trying. I love walking around with a camera, ready to capture a different angle on something or to document little known aspects of Toronto. I am not attempting to create great art with my photography. I am more interested in painting the larger picture - the picture that attempts to answer the question, "What is Toronto?"

fourth self portrait


Mary Crandall